Echo Data Systems
Since 1986
Backups: The most important thing a computer user can do to prevent catastrophe. Your hard drive may not fail today or tomorrow, but it will fail, guaranteed. No worries, the hard drive is easily replaced, but not so your data. We recommend using external hard drives for backup of all of your data, as well as an image of everything on your computer. Windows Backup and Recovery software is free and built in to every Windows. Time Machine is included with all Mac computers. In addition to external drives, using a USB flash drive can store any projects or documents that you are working on, as well as having enough space to probably store all your documents. Call us if you have any questions about the best way to manage your backups.
Protecting your PC against infection.
Don't let them fool you.
One of the most common jobs we do here at Echo Data are virus and malware removals. It can be very easy to get infected with junk just by clicking around. The best protection cannot be purchased, it must be learned. Knowing what is and is not a good link to click, or if the popup claiming you have infections is real or fake. With Windows 10 Microsoft includes a free anti-virus called Defender, however you will still need a anti-malware program.
Lightning problems.
A common problem during summer is lightning. A strike, even if it is several miles away it can still caused havoc to your electronics. Check out this picture of a network card that was unprotected during a thunderstorm.